Wednesday 20 January 2010


I'm ill today, (damn random headaches) luckily it's not too bad that I can't get some work done at home, I have a lot to catch up with in terms of media.

after all, my storyboard needs a total redo (it's fine in terms of plot, but there's been a change in plan as to location of filming) so I'm going to try and make the most of the time I have here at home, no stress, no annoying interruptions etc. "I'm actually going to try and get this sh*t done!" (for once(damn my lazy tendencies(Bracket in bracket, in yet another bracket, Kim... beat that ;D)))

Again I'd like to apologise for my absence from media, and school for that matter, today. Anything I've missed, let me know =]

today's checklist:

1. Re-do storyboard, and make it look awesome [ ]
2. Finish write up of synopsis [ ]
3. Write a script [ ]
4. Contact people to work out when filming may be plausible [ ]
5. Tidy room... [ ]

Cheers =]


1 comment:

  1. Quite a challenging set of targets, Jess; you're really going to need to make sure that you find your focus, since your idea seems to be changing substantially. It would be useful, once you've completed your script, to see it?
