Friday 29 January 2010

Still Alive

here's the script written for the opening sequence of "Still alive: a zombie film that will most likely never be made past the opening sequence, just to keep you guessing" XD

excuse the blandness/pointlessness of this thing, i'm not James Cameron... wait... =/

-Still Alive-

(Follow storyboard)

Jess: ‘morning Carl, Dean
Dean: Hey Jess
Carl: Good morning (after pause) Tea?
Jess: I’ll get it
(after making tea, holding cup)
Jess: you guys are up early
Dean: yeah, we could barely sleep
(Carl laughs to himself subtly)
Jess: Lulz
(mood changes)
Jess: Hey, have you guys heard from Kivuli?
Carl: No, actually, Wasn’t he staying the night too?
Jess: I thought so too… ‘til he up and left last night
Carl: Very strange, I thought he seemed a tad off last night…
Jess: he’s always off
(Jess and other characters slump onto kitchen bench and resume drinking tea)

Grant: Kim!
Laura: Hey Kim!
Grant: Oi! Gerrup!
Laura: wakey wakey!
Kim: ARGH! (Kim falls off sofa)

(Characters in kitchen quickly migrate to living room to investigate Kim’s scream)

(Characters begin to laugh at Kim’s misfortune as he picks himself up)

Kim: dammit you guys, I’m tired
Grant: you’re always tired, besides, our train leaves in little over an hour (checking watch/looking at clock (cutaway possible))
Kim: wait… what?
(Characters get up to go get dressed, leaving Kim sitting on living room floor still half asleep)
Kim: Hey! Wait… where’s Kivuli?

(Jess is calling Kivuli, staring at phone, call goes to voicemail and she hangs up, Kim enters scene)
Kim: no answer?
(Jess, after trying again, hangs up the phone)
Jess: Jebus, you’re up!
Kim: indeed.
Jess: Seriously, Kivuli isn’t picking up his phone
Laura: odd he always does
Jess: maybe he’s just asleep
Laura: or mad at us:
Jess: why’d you say that?
Grant: hey you guys, train’s leaving soon. Jess, go get ready! Now!
Jess: ‘Kay

(Jess goes upstairs, other characters walk into shot from kitchen and stand around talking while jess get’s ready dean is playing with his iPhone)

Grant: she’s gonna take ages…
Kim: indeed, when’s the next train?
Grant: 12: 09
Laura: he means the next next train
Grant: ah.
(Jess runs downstairs)
Jess: No need
Laura: did you get the Guitar Hero Control?
Jess: Yah (showing controller in hands)
Laura: then let’s go!

(Characters leave house through the porch and cross driveway. Dean, being distracted, separates from the group slightly by walking ahead, not paying any attention to surroundings)

(Kivuli *zombie* jumps over the short wall on the driveway, from the alleyway and attacks Dean. Characters all scream in horror as they see their friend being mauled by a zombie. During the struggle dean realises who the zombie is)

Dean: Kivuli?
(Other characters also realise who the zombie was, looking devastated. Kim takes the guitar hero remote from Jess and approaches the zombie. Kim attacks the zombie violently with the plastic guitar, killing it, but it is too late and dean has died from a wound to the throat and tearing of the skull from the zombie, causing him to bleed to death, Kim drops the guitar and remains in silent shock, staring into space)

-Cut to black-

1 comment:

  1. Looks ambitious to me, Jess. I think you'll need to carefully storyboard and rehearse this. You'll need to make sure that your cast are VERY co-operative, because you're making huge demands of them. You'll also need to do multiple takes, to make sure you get the coverage you need. I would double the time you've allocated - make sure everyone knows how important this is.
