Friday 5 February 2010


It would probably help a fair bit if Kim told me wheather or not he's working during the shoot weekend... I may have to move it forward... again... thank jebus it's a half term break :3

I should work on a backup plan, shall do that over the weekend, but so far everything looks just about plausiable... yeah... :3

It's looking great actually!

If we have to scrap the sleepover plan I'll be gutted, but I know a few other good locations in the estate, including a mobile phone mast, a forest trail... or two, i've still got plenty of options... XD

I think I'll try shortening the script a tad though x] there was originally gonna be no dialogue until the zombie attack scene...

But I'm very tempted to use the generic film line: "He's dead... they killed him!"... that would blatantly go down well in terms of originality... lulz x]

Anyhew! It's friday. I'm tired... and i have a totally unrelated project to attend to on sunday... art photography and a convention vlog to direct... "DAMNIT KIVULI!!!!!!"

bye for now.



  1. Are you following my blog? Its just i cant see you lol??????????????

  2. You really are cutting it fine. Half-term is really a contingency which I'd rather you didn't use, unless you have to. You need to be certain that the people you are relying on understand that this is crucial to your AS-Level; if it doesn't get shot, you will be in serious difficulty...
