Monday 22 February 2010


it really does... but other than that I also FINALLY have footage =3

possibly the most irritating 2 days of my entire life... i'll never get them back though... which is a shame... cause that time really could have been spent with less annoying people =3

It also doesn't help that the guy playing your zombie is also the most irritating being on earth (he makes watching the entire back catalogue of Catherine Tate sound like a good and entertaining idea), also... the fact that the guy playing the zombie... is who he is... kinda put off the rest of the cast so much that they couldn't be bothered to go... (he's that annoying)
All i can say is the week really could have gone better... HOWEVER! I did manage to get everything filmed and shall be picking up the footage in about half an hour =3 (My good buddy Frances was at an anime gathering with him this weekend)

which brings me to my next point... THE CAMERA!!!! >=[
The camera i was using... was... kinda useless... asin: the touch screen had broken when i got it =[
so we had to use the alternative... Sony Handycam... HDD recorder.... fun.
apparantly technology doesn't like me very much...
Also!: Filming with connor... something I NEVER want to do again... EVER! D=
that's all for now i guess... rant over... Just waiting to begin editing now...

Fook I hate the snow...


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