Friday 26 February 2010

this weekend...

I'm going to attempt sorting through my footage... and filtering out what I dont need... maybe even editing slightly... of course with the aid of illegal download... I'll probably be better off doing it in school... =/


Monday 22 February 2010


it really does... but other than that I also FINALLY have footage =3

possibly the most irritating 2 days of my entire life... i'll never get them back though... which is a shame... cause that time really could have been spent with less annoying people =3

It also doesn't help that the guy playing your zombie is also the most irritating being on earth (he makes watching the entire back catalogue of Catherine Tate sound like a good and entertaining idea), also... the fact that the guy playing the zombie... is who he is... kinda put off the rest of the cast so much that they couldn't be bothered to go... (he's that annoying)
All i can say is the week really could have gone better... HOWEVER! I did manage to get everything filmed and shall be picking up the footage in about half an hour =3 (My good buddy Frances was at an anime gathering with him this weekend)

which brings me to my next point... THE CAMERA!!!! >=[
The camera i was using... was... kinda useless... asin: the touch screen had broken when i got it =[
so we had to use the alternative... Sony Handycam... HDD recorder.... fun.
apparantly technology doesn't like me very much...
Also!: Filming with connor... something I NEVER want to do again... EVER! D=
that's all for now i guess... rant over... Just waiting to begin editing now...

Fook I hate the snow...


Tuesday 9 February 2010


Turns out I do need that backup plan...

Basically, I'm gonna scrap most of the wakeup scene, therefore about... 80% of the script... therefore:

new plan!

Start with shot of boiling kettle in extreme close up, followed by more ECUs of breakfast including making pancakes (cracking eggs)et cetera.

During this roughly 1 minute scene (most likely less) the characters Jess and Marcus (hopefully, if he isnt going to London, if not we can manage)will be making breakfast then heading through to the living room, where a few other freindS will be playing guitar hero on the Wii

Jess will query the whereabouts of Connor (who later is discovered as a zombie and kills one of the friends)

Where the plot will develop to connor beoing missing after the poarty the night before (which will be evident in set, aka: bottles and glasses all over the place plus general mess)

But everything else is basically the same from leaving the house etc.

hopefully this should cut it...

wish me luck!

Friday 5 February 2010


It would probably help a fair bit if Kim told me wheather or not he's working during the shoot weekend... I may have to move it forward... again... thank jebus it's a half term break :3

I should work on a backup plan, shall do that over the weekend, but so far everything looks just about plausiable... yeah... :3

It's looking great actually!

If we have to scrap the sleepover plan I'll be gutted, but I know a few other good locations in the estate, including a mobile phone mast, a forest trail... or two, i've still got plenty of options... XD

I think I'll try shortening the script a tad though x] there was originally gonna be no dialogue until the zombie attack scene...

But I'm very tempted to use the generic film line: "He's dead... they killed him!"... that would blatantly go down well in terms of originality... lulz x]

Anyhew! It's friday. I'm tired... and i have a totally unrelated project to attend to on sunday... art photography and a convention vlog to direct... "DAMNIT KIVULI!!!!!!"

bye for now.